Transitional Care Hospitals
Transitional Care Hospitals

What to Expect


The admission process can be a bit overwhelming, but our teams work with you, your loved ones and the referral hospital to make the transition as smooth as possible, and without interruption of your treatment.

Upon admission, you or your loved one will be assigned a room and treated without regard to race, color, creed, age, handicap, national origin or payment classification.

At the time of admission, or closely thereafter, please bring:

  • Identification card(s)
  • Insurance cards and policies
  • Medicare or Medicaid cards
  • Living will, power of attorney or durable power of attorney 
  • Health surrogate appointment
  • Copy of an organ donation request card

During your stay, only a few personal items are needed; we will supply the rest! We recommend you or your loved one bring items such as deodorant, toothbrush, shampoo, robe and slippers. If you require glasses or dentures, please be sure to pack them in appropriately labeled storage containers. Electric appliances are not allowed unless they are approved by our Administration Department.

While we do our best to secure our hospital, we strongly suggest you leave valuables at home as we are not responsible for valuables or money kept in your room.

Financial Responsibility

Financial Matters

A Kindred dedicated business office staff member will handle all insurance billing. They are also available to meet with patients and/or family members to discuss the details and answer questions related to insurance coverage. In addition, you may request a more personalized estimate of hospital charges or any other information you may need. For more information or any information regarding financial assistance and collection procedures, please call our business office at 773-267-2622 and ask for a representative.

Kindred requires payment for services not covered by insurance. If you are unable to make a payment, you may contact your case manager to review alternate payment options, including a payment plan. It is Kindred’s policy to work with families to understand their coverage. When applicable, the Director of Case Management/designee shall facilitate the Medicaid application process, and you or your designee are responsible for completing state-specific financial disclosure forms for medical assistance eligibility.

Professional Services

All of the physicians providing professional services in the management and treatment of your care while you are a patient at Kindred Hospital are independent practitioners and may bill separately from Kindred, either to you or to your insurance company. The physicians involved in your care may or may not participate with the same health insurers or HMOs as Kindred. Upon request we will provide you with a list of physicians who may be involved in your care. To determine whether a particular physician participates as a network or preferred provider with your health insurer, you will need to contact each physician or physician group directly. In addition, you may request a more personalized estimate of their charges or any other information you may need.

List of Standard Charges

A link to a list of the standard charges for items and services provided by the hospital as required by Section 2718 (e) of the Public Health Service Act is available below. This list represents gross charges for individual services and does not reflect personalized estimates of hospital charges that may be applicable based on insurance discounts nor is it indicative of a patient’s out of pocket cost. In addition, several factors may affect pricing, including, but not limited to the time of selection, additional expenses such as laboratory or professional fees, and additional services that depend on an individual’s specific health condition. The information is not intended to be legal, health, medical or professional advice but merely conveys general information.