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COVID-19 vaccination and improved mental health: How do they relate?

Survey results published by the Public Library of Science (PLOS ONE) highlight that people who have been vaccinated against COVID-19 saw improvements to their mental health, including reduced stress.1

In March of 2020, researchers at the Center for Economic and Social Research at the University of Southern California started a panel to track the impacts of the pandemic on various outcomes, including mental health. These findings were tracked from December 2020 through March 2021.

Upon examining the survey results, participants who received a COVID-19 vaccine experienced a 15 percent decrease in the likelihood of feeling severely depressed and a 4 percent decline in the likelihood of feeling mildly depressed.2

These findings suggest that the COVID-19 vaccine does more than protect your physical health — it also has significant mental health benefits.

Dr. Magavi, a psychiatrist and regional medical director for Community Psychiatry, notes that “people respond in different ways to the emotional and mental pressures of living in COVID-19 times, depending on their temperament and baseline mental health status. I have observed new-onset anxiety and depression in some, but those with psychiatric concerns have been struggling the most.”

“Individuals who are vaccinated may experience less anxiety about contracting COVID-19, spreading illness or losing loved ones,” Dr. Magavi added. “This may result in improved sleep, energy and concentration.”1

Even beyond an individual’s personal preference to receive the vaccine, survey respondents who weren’t eligible to receive the vaccine during the survey period noted decreased feelings of anxiety, stress and worry solely due to the fact that friends, family and neighbors were able to get vaccinated.

Although receiving the COVID-19 vaccine won’t end the mental health crisis, it plays a substantial role in lessening the impact and initiating change in a community’s perspective on the importance of mental health.

Contact us today to learn how your hospital can make an impact on your community’s mental health. References:

  1. Gillespie, C. (2021, September 17). Getting covid-19 vaccination improves mental health, report shows. Verywell Mind. Retrieved March 4, 2022, from
  2. Miller, J. (2021, September 9). Want less pandemic stress? consider getting vaccinated - press room USC. Press Room. Retrieved March 4, 2022, from

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